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Celeriac is a highly nutritious vegetable that offers many benefits to its consumers. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin K, folic acid and potassium. Its fibre content contributes to the healthy functioning of the digestive system, while its low calorie content makes it a safe choice for dieters. The antioxidant properties of celery tubers help to fight free radicals, supporting overall health and defence against disease. Celery tubers are best bought in the autumn when they are in season. This is the freshest and tastiest time of year, and also when there is the largest selection on the market.

For storing celery tubers, it is best to choose a cool, dark place, such as the vegetable rack in the fridge. It is advisable to store them in a plastic bag to preserve their freshness, but make sure that the bag is not completely closed, as celery tubers like to “breathe”.

Celery tubers can be used to make many delicious and nutritious dishes. It can also be an excellent base for cream soups, salads and side dishes. They can also be eaten pureed or baked for a variety of flavours. It’s also a great ingredient for meatballs, vegetable stews and even smoothies to add to your diet.

What time of year should you buy celery tubers?

Celeriac is an excellent storable vegetable, so you can buy it all year round at markets or supermarkets. You can buy fresh celeriac in the autumn, when it is at its freshest, so it is more nutritious and tastier. In the autumn months, markets and greengrocers sell a wider variety and better quality.

How to store celery root?

Celery tubers should be stored in a cool, dark place to preserve their freshness and nutritional value for as long as possible. The ideal place to store them is in the vegetable compartment of the fridge, where they can stay fresh for weeks in an open plastic bag or wrapped in a damp tea towel. It is important that the celery tuber is not completely closed, as it needs air.

What can be made from celery tubers?

Celery tubers can be used in a wide variety of dishes. They can be used in cream soups, side dishes, salads, baked or boiled. Pureed, it can be an excellent base for vegan meatballs and vegetable patties. It can also be used in smoothies to add a fresh, zesty flavour to drinks. Celeriac’s versatility makes it a creative addition to many recipes, enriching the diet.

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